Winners of th Debate Estudiantil Inter-Escuelas Profesionales of the ULADECH Católica are awarded prizes

Winners of the Debate Estudiantil Inter-Escuelas Profesionales of the ULADECH Católica are awarded prizes

The Universidad Católica Los Ángeles de Chimbote awarded the winners of the Inter-Schools Student Debate that took place last December, in which topics related to quality education were discussed.

Thanks to their performance and the techniques they used to argue coherently and accurately the topics under discussion, the team formed by the students of the professional school of Accounting, Esther Zambrano Lázaro, Albert Mariños Zárate, and Mark Yomona Moncilla, won against 11 other teams.

In the final 30 minutes of debate on the topic: “Education in Peru is inclusive”, the winners received a medal, a laptop and their first place certificate respectively.

The winners received from ULADECH Católica a medal, a laptop and their First Place certificate, respectively.

The Inter-Schools Student Debate was organized by the University Social Service of the Office of Social Responsibility, in order to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It also promoted the participants’ communication skills, analytical, critical and argumentative thinking through the debate technique in an academic environment.