"Our authorities have a decisive role in the success of the purposes of the University"
Ángel Ernesto Zapata Bances
Mons. Ángel Ernesto Zapata Bances

Grand Chancellor

Rector ULADECH Católica
Pbro. Dr. Juan Roger Rodríguez Ruiz


Priest, Rector of the Los Angeles de Chimbote Catholic University. Doctor in Canon Law from the) Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome)… [More information].

Vicerrector Académico
Dr. José Elías Plasencia Latour

Vice Chancellor

José Elías Plasencia Latour has a PhD inInformation Technology and Communications from the National University of Piura… [More information].

Vicerrector de Investigación ULADECH Católica
Dr. Fernando Rubio Cabrera

Research Vice Chancellor

Wilberto Fernando Rubio Cabrera has a PhD in Management and Educational Sciences from the San Pedro Private University. He was dean of the Faculty … [More information]